“The Corner Piece expands on my interests vis-a-vis the relationship between architecture and gesture. The project uses as its base four square panels of plywood to frame the elements of the work, a grid-like structure created to identify different spaces for the work to exist in. In this structural platform the different objects can forge new relationships with each other. In effect, the wall acts as a neutral binder for the work. The individual pieces are placed within these walls and become different types of gestures. One is a standing figure, another is a painterly field and yet another is print on plywood. Each individual component is made in a different way and at a different speed, to further complicate any attempt at a singular interpretation of the work. Rather like Foucault’s The Order of Things, I am intrigued with the dissatisfaction of categorization, as a lot of my work deals with the very absence of boundaries, concepts so important when attempting interpretation or categorization, yet absent from my work.”  

Exhibition Text:

This multi-voiced exhibition and series of events explores interpretations of ‘cultural diversity’, reflecting the times we live in and changes to the social and cultural landscape since Iniva was founded 15 years ago.

Manick Govinda from Artsadmin, Sally Lai from the Chinese Arts Centre and artist Zarina Bhimji have selected artists. Oreet Ashery and Larissa Sansour show new graphic work; their bold mixture of art, politics, games, sci-fi and storytelling rebels against the stereotypes of the Middle East. Ashery is from Israel and Sansour from Palestine.

Artist Sanford Biggers’ sculptures blend contemporary hip-hop expressions with Eastern Spiritualism, he presents a breakdance floor modelled on a Buddhist mandala.

Filmmaker and scholar Karen Alexander and filmmaker Campbell select screenings by artists such as Kara Walker whose provocative films retell narratives around slavery and domination. In the film Kanku Ragu Hetain Patel realigns his body in relationship to nationhood. Harold Offeh shows work humorously re-interpreting Hollywood media representations of the asexual mammy figure.

‘… Is the era and the goal of ‘cultural diversity’ in the arts now over? Has the globalisation of the art world – “let a thousand biennales bloom” – ‘solved’ the problem?’
Stuart Hall, Founding Chair of Iniva and Rivington Place

Visit the events page to find out about the programme of talks and events including playful art installations, interventions and events from the Inivators and artist Yara El-Sherbini.

Complete list of artists: Oreet Ashery and Larissa Sansour, Sanford Biggers, Michelle Citron, Julie Dash, Leah Gilliam, Amanda Holiday, Naomi Kashiwagi, Radhika Khimji, Tracey Moffatt, Harold Offeh, Hetain Patel, Lisa Reihana, John Sealey, Tejal Shah, Kara Walker.